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Фильм ВВС

Канаева Анастасия: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=44215931

Ответов - 17 новых

стася: чет у меня не вышло посмотреть все меня не хватило

попкорн: английский не знаю, но отсмотрела до конца , думала по видеоряду пойму. Поняла кое-что.Может кто из знающих анг. разьяснит?

мотек: попкорн вОТ ПОДРОБНОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ: http://k9-forum.ru/showthread.php?t=96

Ryzhuha: Мда, и что, скотч тоже попал в эту компанию? Может стоит уже заранее составлять протест?

chanson: Ryzhuha , uzhe eto delo ne aktualna-te, kto hotel, podpisal , s etim sviazano izmeneniya vo vseh standartah FCI

попкорн: Мотек спасибо за ссылку.Все перечитала, получается проще поменять стандарт, чем продуманное и граммотное разведение. У некоторых пород стандарт удобен для размноженцев. Хотя у пекинов , бульдогов отсутствие морды и считается красотой, но вот хочется чуть-чуть вытащить нос из-под складок. У меня доча мимо них проходит с опаской, бочком. И хотя я каждый раз объясняю , что собачка так дышит , она старается спину не показывать.

chanson: A vot i perviye "cvetochki"

Admin: Обалдеть Куда уж Вестминстеру до Крафтс

Dmitriy: в чем суть-вкратце?

chanson: Dmitriy sut v tom, chto suku buldoga ne dopustili k BIS group + anullilirovali titul BOB - po novim pravilam, kotoriye byli vvedeni pod mudeim rukovodstvom GREEN PIECE pobediteli seichas dolzhni obsledovatsia avtoritetnoy komisiyey vet. vrachey - oni i skazali slovo... Poskolku eto davolno izvestnoyo zhivotnoye-ya lichno ne mogu v etot raz soglasitsias takim resheniyem! Ya lichni ne mogi ocenivat eto inache kak politicheskiye igri! Vot mneniye moih koleg-specialistov po porode english bulldog (kstati-takaya zhe istoriya i s pekinesom, kotoriy poluchil vchera BOB...): Shame in England at the Crufts!!!! This is very sad day for kinology and if somebody can do something is us! The independent vet found an old eye injury the size of a pinprick when he shone a torch into the eye and failed her on tghat because he could not find anything eles.Total stitch up The Veterinarian didn't let into the best in show ring , at the Crufts, the BOB bulldog, Mellowmood One in a Million. I saw that bulldog a several times live at shows. I don't know, what was the reason for that, but I think, that one in a million is one of the healthiest bulldog , I have seen ever. That is the result, what the Ultra Greens can do with us, breeders, show judges! If this was the result of an old eye injury invisible to the naked eye ,in my opinion.it is heartbreaking for the owner,the breeder ,the judge,all the other judges who awarded her 21cc and the Champion Class at the World show The three judges who awarded her Bulldog of the Year and the whole bulldog breed.A total disgraceful action by the KC using a supposed unbiased vet making a political gesture of appeasement to the anti dog brigade what a way to end a brilliant show career ...they wanted to find something in order to show that they are the KC and they are doing things and not just talk , it's so unfair and I think no bulldog would have pass the examination yesterday , is the bulldog club can do anything about it? Politic decision that's what it is![

chanson: High profile Best of Breed vet checks to be launched at Crufts The Kennel Club has produced guidelines for show societies, exhibitors and veterinary surgeons in order to ensure that everyone has an understanding of the new veterinary checks which will take place at Crufts 2012 and at all subsequent Kennel Club licensed General and Group Championship Shows. These guidelines are intended to enable the checks to be carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible. Furthermore, the Kennel Club has also produced a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the High Profile Breed Veterinary Checks. Changes have been made to the way that the fifteen high profile breeds are awarded Best of Breed, to ensure that only fit and healthy dogs are awarded Best of Breed. The changes, which came into effect on 1 March 2012, mean that any dog in the fifteen high profile breeds which is selected as Best of Breed at Crufts 2012 and at all subsequent Kennel Club licensed General and Group Championship Shows, will need to be given a clean bill of health by the show veterinary surgeon before their Best of Breed award is confirmed and before they are allowed to continue to compete in the final stages of the show involved. All veterinary surgeons who undertake these checks at shows will receive full training and guidance on how the checks should be carried out. All guidelines and FAQs can be found on the High Profile Breed Veterinary Check page of the Kennel Club website at www.thekennelclub.org.uk/item/4176. To find out what else the Kennel Club is doing to improve the health of pedigree dogs, visit www.thekennelclub.org.uk/doghealth. en dan Citaat Bulldog and Pekingese fail Crufts vet checks No dog representing the Pekingese and Bulldog breeds will compete in Thursday evening’s Best in Group competitions at Crufts after they failed the new veterinary checks that have been introduced to the show. The Best of Breed award was not given to Pekingese, Palacegarden Bianca, or Bulldog, Mellowmood One In A Million, following their veterinary checks, which were carried out by an independent veterinary surgeon. This means that the dogs will not be allowed to continue into the Toy or Utility Best in Group competitions respectively. The Kennel Club has introduced veterinary checks for the Best of Breed winners at all Kennel Club licensed General and Group Championship Dog Shows from Crufts 2012 onwards, in 15 designated high profile breeds. This measure was introduced to ensure that Best of Breed awards are not given to any dogs that show visible signs of problems due to conditions that affect their health or welfare. The fifteen high profile breeds are as follows: Basset Hound, Bloodhound, Bulldog, Chow Chow, Clumber Spaniel, Dogue De Bordeaux, German Shepherd Dog, Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastiff, Pekingese, Shar Pei, St Bernard, French Bulldog, Pug and Chinese Crested. Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary, said: “We are determined to ensure that the show ring is a positive force for change and that we help to move breeds forward by only rewarding the healthiest examples of a breed. “The veterinary checks were introduced to ensure that dogs with exaggerated features do not win prizes. The independent veterinary surgeon decided that the Pekingese and Bulldog should not pass their checks and therefore they did not receive their Best of Breed awards and will not be representing their breeds in the remainder of the competition.”

chanson: Chem glubzhe v les-tem bolshe drov... Dumayu, eto tolko nachalo pobed GREEN PIECE It’s amazing what Pedigree Dogs Exposed has done

Dmitriy: значит, теперь представители из Грин Пис имеют право вмешаться в решение судей, если обнаружат у собаки какой нибудь изъян, я правильно понял?

chanson: Dmitriy v etoy strane-da! Poka tolko tam... I licenziya eksperta mozhet bit priostanovlena...

Dmitriy: екарный бабай! ну,когда Гринпис спасает китов,осаждая китобойные суда, это еще куда ни шло....хотя эта контора никогда у меня не вызывала добрых эмоций почему то...но когда до таких маразмов стало доходить,тут нужно уже выяснять откуда дует в первую очередь финансовый ветер, и кому это нужно?

chanson: green piece - v reale daleka ot zashchity zhivotnih organizaciya, no ona ochen vliyatelnaya v politicheskom smisle, i ochen bogataya.

айри: Ведь это огромный айсберг,вершина видна совсем малюсенькая....если поразмышлять на эту тему,то волосы несколько встают дыбом...

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